Dear friends,
Last week you marked Yom HaShoa, and now you are marking YOM HAZIKARON LEHALALEI MA’ARAKHOT YISRAEL UL’NIFGE’EI PE’ULOT HAEIVAH (Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism). These two days remind us of the painful price the Jewish people paid, and still have to pay for the right to be “a free nation in our homeland”.
On 14-15 April, Israel will celebrate its 73rd Independence Day (Yom Ha’Atzma’ut). Happiness and sorrow side by side – on one hand, we celebrate Israel’s enormous achievements and successes, and on the other hand, we honour the memory of those who made it all possible.
Every Israeli has lost family members, friends and/or neighbours, and commemorates them in private. On Yom HaZikaron we all come together to express our collective pain, appreciation and respect for their sacrifice
The total number of fallen soldiers in the Israeli army is around 24,000.
We pray with you for the wellbeing and prosperity of the State of Israel, recalling with pleasure the fact that Romania was one of the first countries which recognized it soon after its establishment.
Warm regards,
Claudiu Târziu, George Simion,
Co-President AUR Co-President AUR
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