We, the representatives of the organizations and political parties participating in the Conference ”Supremacy of National Constitutions over the Brussels Bureaucracy”, meeting today, February 19th 2022, in Bucharest, Romania, the place where Romanians made the ultimate sacrifice during the last People’s anti-comunist Revolution on this continent, are hereby reaffirming our attachment to a common, future-oriented Europe, in which the fundamental rights and liberties of human beings are supreme values, and where national sovereignty, authentic democracy and social market economy represent the guarantee of a free sustainable development of society.
We are hereby reasserting our belief that Europe is to remain a space of freedom, in which sovereign nations are fully affirming themselves, with no outside interferences, and in which national identities are preserved.
Respect for the national constitution and for nationally accepted norms and traditions, deeply rooted in each country history, where international United Nations, European Union or other international bodies treaties, whether on regional or international level, can never be a threat to peace and security within our national borders, and hereby serving the common good to the benefit of all our citizens, are irrevocable objectives for us.
Freedom and dignity are inherent to human nature. The dignity of every human being, whether man of woman, is inalienable. Every human being is a unique entity, totally irreducible and unreplaceable, with their own destiny, implicitly endowed with responsibility, intelligence and free will. As heirs to the Greek and Roman culture and Judeo-Christian tradition, we affirm that liberty involves, for every person, the right and the obligation of being fully responsible for one’s own choice and actions. Every person is free to decide for oneself, including for one’s own sanitary securityand physical integrity.
We believe that state authority should guarantee freedom for all persons, including on the political and economic levels. The limits of that freedom are to be very wide, exclussively determined by respect for the freedom of others and for achieving the stability which is necessary for being part of society together.
We are rejecting any false interpretation of freedom. Private property is an important prerequisite for economic and political freedom of persons and of nations. Freedom of speech and of the press, freedom of beliefs and of religious faith, freedom of circulation in Europe and the world, are fundamental liberties whose fencing or limitation we will not accept.
We are uttering a firm and clear NO to the dictatorship of those who are trying to change our way of life, and we are opposing the European bureaucracy and false political elites which have lost the connection tothe citizens.
Peace, solidarity and mutually beneficial co-operation among nations are the goals we are committed to serve together. We are rejecting any idea of using force or threat of force in the relations among states. We are condemning any military aggression and are opposing the obsolete concept of the spheres of influence in Europe and worldwide.
We are committed to working together in view of identifying and applying practical solutions to the problems and challenges raised in front of our citizens and nations by political, economic and social evolutions on the continent today.
We shall stay in permanent dialogue and continue to meet periodically to affirm ourselves as a force for peace and good.
Bucharest, February 19th 2022