AUR asks European Prosecutor’s Office to investigate how anti-COVID-19 acquisitions were conducted by the EU


The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) asks the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, especially the European Chief Prosecutor, Laura Codruța Kovesi, to start investigating the process by which the European Commission has acquired anti-COVID-19 vaccines.

As a series of independent journalistic investigations have revealed factual data regarding direct links between the family of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and a large vaccine manufacturer, we consider further clarification on this matter to be of utmost importance for all European citizens.

„These vaccine purchases are the deal of the century, or maybe of the millennium. Many billions of Euros are at stake, european taxpayers money. We are all entitled to find out how these contracts were negotiated, what are the links between the von der Leyen family and Big Pharma, as well as why were the contracts sealed. European institutions are the first to prove transparency and intransigency in regards to spending public money. I am asking Mrs. Kovesi to get involved personally, as European Chief Prosecutor, in order to bring light on this case”, said Mr. George Simion, MP and co-chairman of AUR.

„These serious allegations which were raised in the public sphere have to be clarified as soon as possible. As Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen still has not come forward with an explanation regarding how the purchases were made, it is the duty of the European Public Prosecutors Office to conduct an investigation into this matter. The credibility of all European institutions is at stake. Given the draconian COVID restrictions imposed by many EU member states to constrain people to get vaccinated, it is hence essential to know the provisions of these contracts, as well as the conditions imposed by the manufacturers on the European Commission”, Mr. Claudiu Târziu, Senator and co-chairman of AUR also declared.

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